Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Even 2019

Christmas Eve Morning.

As the sun slowly brightens the horizon, this morning, I am reminded that each day is so very special. There are so many things in my life to be thankful for, Prayers that have been answered, wishes granted, Life is good. The early pale pink and orange tinges to the top of the mountain to my right as the sun just starts to lift, a clear reminder that a new day is dawning and that there is lots of things that I should be doing this morning, and that there will always be a new dawn each morning. With it's lights and sounds and awakenings. New adventures to look forward to. A Person is never too old to find a new Adventure, in life. Today is no different. Each dawning is a promise to myself to not take today granted. To look for the good in it, accept the not so good a being only a temporary inconvenience and accept that Life will have it's ups and downs, but the ups will always outweigh the downs.   

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. Not because of the gifts or the food, but because it's a time that so many people feel deserves attention to details. Erratic to be sure, A hassle for many, Sorrows for some, but also Joy and hope and Peace. With the New Year looming just around the corner, only a week after This Holiday, We look forward with earnest, to a year that will be better than the one that is ending, Knowing full well that there is no promise in a better year, That it will just be more days, numbered differently that the ones before and soon we will be writing that number that represents the year without thought or having to pause and think, "What year is it, again?"  But, for now. as we close out this year and start anew, We also wish to start anew, changes in our own life, our own self. promises of better healthier, taking better care of each other and our surroundings. Be that our home or the world we live in. Our work, or pleasures and our state of mind benefits from the renewing of spirit and the promise that each new year brings into being.  

Each year, we don't think about our own growing older as each and ever day passes. our gradual slowing down and having to take more time for the simpler things of life. That steps taken today, at a run, will one day be too hard for us to manage without help. that door knobs so easy to turn, may not fit well enough in our hand, and someone else will have to turn that for us to enter or leave a room, or house. That the kids of today, those in the teens or 20's or even those in their 30's will be making choices that we never had to make. never had to even consider.  Their life will be impacted by some of the small things from our own past. And it's in their future that we place hope and peace and wish the best from our past gives them the power to exceed in life from our beginning to their happiness. That we have taught them the important lessons of what living is really about. It's not the job, or the money, but what you do and how or where you spend your time that really counts in life. Money is just a token of what you have given up, in order to get ahead, to learn a new skill or practice an old one. Be at Peace, Life is wonderful and we each get to experience it to the fullest of our own ability. Go out, Get out, find something that make your  heart Sing with joy. that puts a smile on your face before you even realize you are smiling. Give that joy to someone else, to share it with the world, in your own unique way. For life is what  this planet is about. the cycle of life, the ups and owns and all the rest. are what is making this whole existence well worth the living.

Billie C.
 Life is a journey not a destination


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