Thursday, February 21, 2013



ASSEMBLY TIME: approx. 15 minutes
TOTAL COST: approx. $15
  • HALLOWEEN SPIRIT (without it, what's the point?)
  • (1) A grapevine wreath from the craft store (got mine at Michael's for $4)
  • (2) Silk Japanese Lantern Stems (got mine at Pier 1 Imports, $2.99/stem)
  • (2) Silk or dried cattail stems (on sale at Michael's for $1.67/mixed fall bunch)
  • Dried Corn Stalk fronds (picked mine up off the ground in the pumpkin patch parking lot)
  • wire or hot glue
  • A few vintage inspired Halloween ornaments. If you don't have any cute little ornaments just laying around your house, here's a tip: Download some free vintage Halloween images from Matthew Mead. Cut out an 8.5" x 11" piece of cardboard from a cereal box (recycling ~ love it!). Most printers will print on this thickness of cardboard. It gives a nice vintage look, and has a good weight to it. Print on blank side (obviously). Cut out. Cover commercially printed side with craft glue and coat with glitter ~ voila! Your ornament is complete!
Start out with ye olde grapevine wreath, available at any craft store. Begin by sticking a few cattails into the wreath. Bend to shape if necessary. Secure with wire or hot glue. Pretty boring so far...I know...

Next, stick in some of your corn stalk fronds. Secure with wire or hot glue. We have a little contrast going, but how about some color?

That's where the japanese lanterns come in. Snip from bunch into smaller clusters and arrange by tucking in to wreath. Secure with wire or hot glue. Ahh, now that's starting to look better...

Dry-fit decorations, then wire or hot glue into place. Fill in gaps with additional corn stalk, cat tails, or Japanese lanterns as you see fit.

Ready to hang and greet guests with Halloween cheer!

Billie C

Each leaf on the four leaf clover represents one of the following:

1st leaf is Hope
2nd is Faith
3rd is Love
4th is Luck

Spring countdown banner

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Count Mintula lives...

Peppermint Coffin

Instant creative gratification is nice. Here's quick little Halloween project  made in under a half hour. It's sort of a craft doodle.

Empty mint tin...

A little paint, some glued on leather shoelace pieces, a small cut-out drawn character and Count Mintula lives...

Outside of being a little toy- sliding the lid up and down, it serves no real purpose. I guess it might be good to keep a skeleton key in or your arsenic for when unwanted guests stop by.

Billie C
make a fake email address in your address books. It works for any email account and will prevent anyone accessing your address books to send viruses and spam out. It is really simple to do. Go to add a new contact. You do not have to put a name at all. All you have to do is make the email address as follows.

Because I also text to phones from my computer, I used ~111@11.11 so it's at the top of my email book

Once done the hacker cannot get past this fake address and so all your other addresses are safe and out of reach. The second safety feature of doing this is that you will be notified of a mail delivery failure notice when a hacker tries to uss this fake address to begin sending out mail. Because it is all (a's) this will always be the very first contact address in your email address books and hence why all others will be safe. I hope that this helps.

Spring countdown banner