Friday, November 25, 2016

Today, I Am Grateful For

Today, I Am Grateful For... a wonderful day, yesterday spent at Heathers. The turkey was well done, and every dish was delicious. David and Jamie spend all day with us and there was lots of talking, laughter and love spread throughout the day.  One of the most memorial sights was a kitchen full of people all working on last minute touches on dishes and pulling things out of the oven and not one wobble, spill or raised voice. Bailey, finished up the Cheese and Cracker plate, David removed the Turkey and put in the rolls (I love the ones that got a  little dark on bottoms they have the best flavor when that Happens) Jamie was making the Mac and Cheese and warming up the canned goods while Heather was finishing up the mashed potatoes.. It was wonderful to see them all working so well together. Heather's kitchen is large but when you have 4 to 5 people moving it could have gotten crowded but everyone was moving so very well around each other it was like they were all dancing to unheard music.
I took my Too dark and not enough filling Caramel Pie, and a very well turned out Dark Chocolate Pudding pie. and there was just too much food for all of us. Bailey's cupcakes were sampled and her cookies didn't last long, after dinner was over and eveyone moved to the living room.  We all didn't leave until after it got dark. David has to drive a load down south today, and Jamie went along for some couple time. She doesn't have to be back to work until Monday.

Billie C.

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