October 20, 2017, Update
I have totally forgetten about my blogs. Oops
Lets see, I have been painting rocks and placing them around town.
Hubby "retired", then un-retired, then retired again. Now he's found a job, driving train personal from place to place, at night. Today, I'll be working on making the bedroom as dark as possible so he can sleep during the day.
I have started going to the Senior Center for lunch. Hubby is not impressed with the meal, but what can you expect for around $1.50 each. I do find that there is more on the plate than I can finish. Next Wednesday is a covered dish and my plan is a Creamy Chicken and Rice dish. I did see that someone else had written they were going to bring Chicken and dumplings. the rest of the dishes all seem to be desserts. I'm going to have to be very careful of which ones and how much I get of each.
I was in the hospital for 6 days, getting out on my 60th birthday. It all started with an infection under my left breast. I think it was yeast and I treated it with some powder iwas give for a "raging" yeast infection when I last saw a doctor in March. The powder was working, then then it didn't. I used what I had on hand and it didn't get worse but didn't get better either for a few days. then about September 16, it started getting worse. Since we didn't have insurance, I waited until the Social Security came in to go to the local clinic, paying close to $100 for the visit. She said to come back on Friday and have it rechecked. I went to the local ER on Thursdayy since it had gotten worse. I went back to the Clinic on Friday and told her that I had been to the Er and they had changed the antibotic I was on. She was okay with that, come back in a week. Well by Thursday, September 28, it was much worse so I went back to the Eer which recomending i go to the hospital. Since I was in the ER, I had to go by amblence. I was in the Er from Thrusday night until Satureday, 4 pm. I had surgery to remove the dead tissues and clean up the infectined area and was then in the hospital until October 4, on Iv inatbotics. I might hve been able to go home on October 3rd but they had taken the day trying to find someone who would come to the camper to do daily dressing changes. No luck in finding someone to do that because we don't have insurance, so they taught Hubby how to take care of me. My next check up was in the Surgeral Wound Care clinic. I am doing very well, according the thre 4 doctors who came into the room. keep doing what we are doing. So we did. I went back this past Tuesday and still told I'm doing well, but might need a skin graph. A slight change in how it's being "dressed" No more wet then dry dressing, just a dry dresing now, held in placewith one strip of tape. The tape is starting to break my skin out so Hubby is trying to place it slightly different each time so the same area is not covered by the tape all the time. I go bvack next week Friday and I'll try to remember to post an update after that appointment.
Today, after I and someone else suggested a "cahllange" in our locak Facebook "rocks" page, we are placing lots and lots of rocks painted to look like Candy Corn around town. I'll have to wait until Hubby get home to put my rocks out, but that's part of the fun. I noted that some people have already put their rocks out a day early. No Biggy as it just helps extend the fun for everyone to go out and find more rocks.
I need more rocks to paint. I have found a source, but getting Hubby to let me out long enough to get a bucket full ... I hope to get some more rocks this weekend. I think the next challange I'll post will be either leaves, or turkeys or "Thanks". I'll post the challange about 15 days before Thanksgiving, and suggest we place them out the week of Thankstgiving since the kids will have 5 days out of school.
Next will be Christmas Challanges and I hope to put out three for the month of December. Angels, stocking or stars and then one for "New Years" day.
Billie C.