For Today ... Nov 21
Howdy.... And Good Afternoon. I've gotten most of the camper straightened up again.. (whew) The dust is 'flyin' in here. I dusted all the walls, the ceiling and the doors. Swept the floors and mopped the areas that can be mopped, except the bunk room. I'll try to get to it a bit later in the week.
Outside my door ... Ah it was so, so nice to sit outside and toss the ball for Barney this afternoon. I needed my jacket to take the dogs outside but by noon no jacket was needed. I just hope that Jerry remembers to bring his jacket home when he finishes for the day. I need to check the forecast, but I'm thinking we are going to have another nice day tomorrow. Give me a sec to go look... .... .....Yep tomorrow looks good, but over night it's going to get a wee bit colder than it was last night.. A bit of a cool down on Wednesday, then back up again.
The Dogs ... Macon has been playing keep-a-way with Barney and one of the orange balls. He will just hold onto it for as long as he can, before he gives it up. **FUNNY**... Barney was 'fussing' at Macon for his ball, but when we looked Macon didn't have it.. Rocky was laying on it.. Rocky looked over his back at me with a 'Grin' on his face. He knew what he was doing, for sure. This afternoon, I tossed the ball a few times for Barney and he played keep-a-way with me for a bit. I really do need to go clean up the yard, but I think it's going to be tomorrow morning before I get to that.. it's okay since we don't have any neighbors here right now.
From the kitchen... Tonight's dinner is going to be steaks and mashed potatoes (box) and a salad. Just salad, not extra's cut up into it.
We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and I needto make a few things between tonight, tomorrow and Wednesday. I've just not started any of it just yet. I need to get out "The List" and get started on it very soon.
I found a recipe for Pie Crust Crumbles that is suppose to make enough to make 7 to 8 pies.. So that is what I think I will have to work on, first.
Oh man.... I forgot all about Caramel Pie... Dang it.. that means making at least 4 pie crusts this year.. I didn't find any pie crusts when I went shopping Saturday. I know that David and Jerry will eat the pie, even if no one else does.. (I might sneak a very small piece)
I am hearing... I have my MP3 player connected to the speakers we brought in for my laptop. it was getting to where I couldn't hear anything very well off the laptop, so I asked Jerry to get a set of speakers out of storage. Some of the songs are loud and some are very soft but at least I can hear them
I am wearing... Brown Sweat pants, a yellow t-shirt (the only yellow thing I have) that has a graphic of a cave with horses on the walls.. the only reason I have a yellow shirt is because it's more to the golden side and had horses on it. otherwise I would not have it at all. I don't look good in anything that is very yellow.
I am reading... lots of emails. I picked up a few more free books for the kindle but have yet to start reading any of them in a while. I need to do that.
I am thinking... about Thanksgiving and seeing David and Jamie again. they are going to try to come up. That is, if David gets home in time. If not then we will have to try to find a weekend between now and Christmas for them to make the trip,
I am thankful for... Jerry being able to put the propane tanks on the camper this morning. I can never seem to either get the empties off or the full ones in. it was cold outside this morning and I know he wasn't feeling very well but he went out and did it. The camper was soon warm after the heat was able to work again. The box heaters work, but they can only do so much. They are helping to stretch out how often we have to hgo refill the tanks though. Today was so nice that I had the doors open for a couple of hours and everything turned off.
I am hoping... The same thing I have been hoping , for a few months now, That Jerry will get a call to go to a job that pays well enough we can catch up on all our bills. He makes the phone calls each week, but no one has much hope for a job opening until after the first of the year.
I am creating... Well, a clean camper.. but I need to make some Christmas cards to send out this year. and some fresh ornament to hang in the windows.
One of my favorite things... is just knowing that we are together and doing as well as we can, considering that things are so tight right now.
A few plans for today... wait for Jerry to get home. Clean off the table and maybe I'll even start on those cards this evening while we watch a DVD
A few plans for the rest of the week... shopping for the rest of the things we want for Thanksgiving day with heather. Cooking and just keep from stressing too much. We have so much to be thankful for.
Billie C.
Mom's Old Recipe Box