Howdy.... Well. Today is Halloween.
I did not carve a pumpkin this year... I am trying to remember the last time I didn't carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Even when we lived in a motel room, I carved and placed pumpkins at the doorway. What can I say, I'm still very much a kid in my heart.
I have decorated for the season. I have up garlands of fall colored leaves, and scarecrows and such. I am looking toward putting away the "Halloween" decorations though. I have a few things that I'll be putting away on tomorrow, but I'll leave the truly "Fall" stuff up for a while longer. I will put away the Scarecrows and Spiders but leave up the leaves.
I'm even trying to make a few plans for next years' Halloween season. I want at least 4 pumpkins to carve, and more stuff Outside.
I'm ready to start focusing on Thanksgiving now. Even though I am not sure where we will spend the day. Heather has already said that she's planning on working as many hours as she can that day, cause it's time and a half. I don't blame her on that one bit. WE do need to get with David and Jamie to see if/when they want to come to Dunlap, of if we could some to their place for a day. Either way, I want their Christmas Gifts bought and wrapped to give to them. Because last year, we had planned on getting together on Christmas afternoon, but there was snow on their mountain and it was too dangerous for them to risk the trip to Dunlap. Plus I want to find a nice gift for Jamie's son.
I think I'll have to get out the printer and print off a few "Thanksgiving" graphics on some card stock and use them like posters on the walls and on the command hooks I have put on the wall just for this reason. About the only truly "Thanksgiving" item I have is a Puffy Turkey with a "Spinner" under it. I really don't have a good place inside to keep it and I don't want to ruin it by leaving it outside in the weather for a month.
This weather is just Crazy. We are set to break the record high of today (In Chattanooga that is) with a high of 86, with the record being 84. Here in Dunlap we expect to have a high of 84. I had to turn on the heat to break the chill this morning, and by this afternoon, I will have to turn on the air to be comfortable.
The dogs love this weather. They get to go outside and enjoy a few minutes doing what dogs do. sniffing the air. Looking around, Checking out the walk across the creek. Trying to find out what the birds and squirrel have been up to.. and just in general being dogs. Barney has been trying to sneak out a ball, then wants to play. His way of playing is to drop it just out of reach, then snatch it up if I get even remotely close to it, only to drop it again... if I stop reaching for it, he will get closer, or he will start dropping it on the toe of my shoe. If we are inside and he keeps this up, the easiest way to stop him, is to just give the ball to Macon. Macon does not want to play ball, but he will act like he wants to play and will raise his head as if he's going to catch the ball if it's tossed toward him. but what he is really wanting is for us to give him the ball. He will give it back, if we ask him to, but his "joy", is to keep that ball away from Barney. As soon as Macon gets the ball, Barney will glare at him, then look at one of us, as if asking for us to get it back for him, then will glare at Macon again. After awhile Macon will give the ball back, and then Barney will go hide, with the ball, under the table. Rocky loves to take the caps off of plastic bottles, but Barney is always trying to steal those bottles away from him. Rock will go to a corner and turn his back on all of us while he's working on getting that cap, and the ring, off of a bottle. Once he's done doing that, He'll let Barney have to bottle and, again, Barney will just glare... because he wanted to take the cap off.. And it does no good, to try to put it back on the bottle, Rocky makes sure it won't fit any more. Some times, Barney will remove the labels but he's not been doing that in the last few weeks.
Tonight I am going to make Chicken Alfredo for Dinner.
We will have a salad to start with, I'll be adding some vegetables to a bagged salad after Jerry goes back out. I will cook chicken Breast in a Cast Iron Skillet, then pour a can of Cream of Chicken soup over the chicken when it's fully cooked and allow to simmer on a low flame. for at least 10 minutes. I will prepare a box of Alfredo Noodles and then serve the chicken on top of the noodles. I have a frozen package of "Steam in the bag" seasoned Vegetables that I'm thinking of fixing for myself and will Fix Jerry some peas. I'm just not all that fond of canned peas and Jerry doesn't like frozen vegetables.
I've been catching up on some old stuff we recorded a couple of weeks ago on the DVR. I even re-watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" this morning. I did have on "Larry's Country Diner" from RDF TV, but just changed it to the news. Did you read my face-book? I had heard that there was going to be a Drill at the high school and told Jerry about it before he left for work last Thursday.. It was suppose to be in the morning and when he came in for lunch.. said he never saw or heard anything about the drill... well, it seams that one of the School maintenance people had a medical emergency and the Helicopter was needed to take him to the hospital in Chattanooga. The "drill" turned into a real thing.. The drill will be re-scheduled for in a few weeks.
Today I am wearing a Halloween/Fall hemmed T-shirt that Donna Gifted me a few years ago. I am trying my best to take care of it. I wore it to the last home game, a couple of weeks ago. I'll be putting it in with all our Halloween items, after I wash and iron it. I have on gray sweat pants, a orange bandana and black Rose earrings. I love to try to "dress" a bit for Halloween.
A few plans for today... After Lunch, cleaning up from that, then straightening up the Dining room and Living room. then I want to find a UFO (Un-Finished Object) to work on for the rest of the day.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Putting away the Spooky stuff, but keeping out the Fall stuff. I may get out the printer and print off a few Thanksgiving things to decorate with.
Billie C.
Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far
as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your
- Dave Barry (1947-)